Thursday, July 10, 2014

The Great Divide. Brought to you by... Greed the dark side of Capitalism.

I have worked many jobs over the years... labor, customer service, sales, etc.

It seems that we used to value fairness and pride it what we produced or provided in business.  As the years have gone by I hear and observe less of that and more of..."The bottom Dollar", in other words profit.  Not just a reasonable profit, but profit driven by pure greed.

When I talk to people, it's the same thing.  They see it, feel it, wish it wasn't the way it is, but nobody knows how to change it.  The only ones that don't recognize it, (openly anyways) are those that have embraced money and greed.

It wasn't always like that, it used to be a reasonable profit was desired and the remaining profits were distributed among those that assisted in making that happen.  Raises for those that produced, sold or assisted in the process.  That way of doing business, that philosophy seems to be antiquated... Sadly !

So I reflect and ponder where we are as a society, a people and a country?

I also ask myself am I part of the problem, or part of the solution?

So when the elderly lady in the crowded parts store asks if anyone can change out her dead battery for her new one... and not one of the 20 men or 5 women offers any assistance.  Though I am dressed for my nieces birthday, I tell her I will help her.

We talk, she thanks me as I am removing the safety bar and wiper fluid... "Why are you helping me?"
I tell her, "Because it is the right thing to do."
She offers to give me money and I refuse, saying, "I am not doing this for money, I am doing it because we should always love, help and care for others.  Money as nothing to do with this."

We write books, movies, and sonnets about helping and loving one another.

Our faiths and religions all include it as a cornerstone.

Why is it something we romanticize, glorify but have such a hard time "doing" in everyday life with loved ones, friends and strangers?

Am I odd in my attitude and values?

Am I a throwback to an out dated time?

Other than taking the time to help others, make sure my values and priorities are proper, I can only write and share with others how I feel about these things.  Some will say I am unrealistic, or a dreamer. Oh well, maybe my dream will catch on and become contagious!

When there isn't such a huge difference between the "Haves and Have Nots", and the middle class is the majority, people are happier.  They act and behave more like a unit or family, with similar values and desires.  It seems like we are less selfish when we perceive we are more equal.  As far as I am concerned selfishness and greed perpetuate one another.

I see no way to stem the tide of Greed, division and derision, other that attempting to literally live our lives like the unselfish, caring and heroic lifestyle our movies and literature portray and glamorize.

So, I will continue to try to "Be" the person, the member of society, I believe is our hope and future. Rather than profess it, write of it, speak of it, or complacently sit on my ass revering it on the computer or big screen.  I will attempt to enact those values every day, assessing my priorities and values, not guiding my decisions on its monetary worth or value.

Let me know... am I delusional?  A dreamer?
Do you have the answer?
Can we stem the tide of greed?
Will it be our demise?
Your input is appreciated, as was your attentions to my musing.